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Vanity Fair Italia Magazine Issue Nr. 30/31

Jewellery Story 


Jewellery Designer

 Leo Pizzo (Seite 78)

Rubeus (Seite 79) 

 Gismondi (Seite 80)

Crivelli (Seite 81) 


collaboration with Artist Tina Cassati

(Artworks Mixed Media, Digital Collage)



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Ebby Magazine ISSUE No 4 

Artist portrait - Tina Cassati


Ebby Magazine...

provides a powerful and imaginative resource.

We help connect women to their true selves encouraging her to think about her life, nourish the mind, body and spirit.

Ebby Magazine...

is a digital experience brilliantly fusing inspirational and motivational content for women

that love the finer things and to live and enjoy the best life has to offer

with world-class editorial including cutting-edge photographers,

filmmakers and illustrators to produce multi-layered communication and integrated partnerships.

Anytime, anywhere, any platform. It is Luxury for the soul. 




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 Titelbild "Thüringer Motiv"

Buch Cover 

Donna Speciale (Modello: Floriana Blanco)

aus "Giardino di Arte" by Tina Cassati


(Mixed Media, Frauenportrait, Digitalcollage)

Herausgeberin: Christine Klauder

erschienen November 2016


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Anthology Magazine

 Issue 1 Summer 2016 / Limerick,Ireland 

Magazine Cover 

Donna di Fantasia by Tina Cassati

(Mixed Media, Papercollage, Digitalcollage)


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Fotografie & Schmuck


 (Showroom außen und innen)

für Utty Jewellery and Giana Mayra

Jakarta Indonesien


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für die Showroomdays Berlin 

im Rahmen der Berliner Fashionweek


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LIVE Magazine



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für die Showroomdays Berlin 

im Rahmen der Berliner Fashionweek


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LIVE Magazine



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für die Sonderausstellung (16.4. – 04.11.2012)

Sächsische Volkstrachten, Hip Hop und Nadelstreifen

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden unter künstlerischer Leitung von Holger John 2012


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für die Showroomdays Berlin 2012 im Rahmen der Berliner Fashionweek


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Cover of ISSUE 20/2011

HAUTE Magazine


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für die 11. Hutschau 2010 Mut zum Hut unter der Leitung von Ute Patel-Mißfeldt


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Opern-Premiere 2. /3. 12.2009 Die Zauberflöte für das Slowakische Nationaltheater Bratislava